Friday, October 13, 2017

New Bridges Math Program

First grade is learning math as a community this year. We are using a new math program called Bridges. Mrs. Welch is in charge of our math instruction in first grade.  Students are really excited about the new program. They are making great observations during math, explaining their thinking and practicing first grade math skills as a group.

Our new program has three major components that make up our math time. The first is called "Number Corner." Each morning we start our day as a group with Number Corner. Number Corner is the Bridges version of the daily calendar routine. Each month, the calendar set up changes.  There is a different pattern on the calendar grid each month. The students make observations and share what patterns they notice in the calendar grid. As a group we also track how many days are in school, representing numbers within a ten frame, and making equations. Each month the focus changes but continues to tie into the first grade Common Core Math Standards.  Please see the attached pictures of components from October Number Corners. 

After our snack/recess break, we move into our daily Bridges math lesson with Mrs. Welch. During this time students practice math skills, do journal work, or learn to play math games. At the start of the year we found it challenging to come together as a whole group. We were still working on creating our routines and remembering how to sit quietly on the rug and listen during a lesson. Now that we are in the second month of school our students have made so many gains. They are able to sit and participate as a whole group. It's amazing to see such growth in a short period of time. 

The third component to our math programming is called "Work Spaces." Work Spaces is a similar set up to math work stations. Students work in stations using math manipulatives or playing math related games. During this time, we pull small groups to do skill work, assess students progress and provide math intervention to students in need. 

As a group we are enjoying many aspects of the new math program. We appreciate any feedback you have about math homework. 

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